Bathroom Renovations Made Easy.


When you consider one place in your home that everyone will visit you tend to think of the bathroom.  It is one of the first rooms we go into at the beginning of our day and one of the last at the end of the day.  We may enter our bathrooms several times during the day.  Our guests may use it too.  We use the bathroom for numerous functions that are all part of helping us get on with our day.

 It is an important part of the home and one that is quite often renovated or refreshed. Home owners are realizing the value in renovating bathrooms not only as an improvement in function and aesthetics of their home but also as something that is noticed and appreciated by home buyers.  

However renovations can be quite overwhelming for some people.  There are so many selections and styles available now and the internet provides an endless display of options to create the relaxing oasis for your home.  


To make your decision process a little easier I would recommend visiting a couple of larger well branded locations that can give you a variety of options and products.  This will allow you to make selections that compliment other components selected and source different price categories and styles.  

Before making any selections, however, you should have a few things checked off your renovation list.  The first to check is a budget.  With so many options it is easy to spend a lot more money than you had planned.  If you set an amount that you would like to spend you can pass the information on to your sales associate or designer so they can show you items that will be suitable.  Next you should have a floor plan.  You should have an idea of the space you have to work with and where things will be placed so you don't buy items that are too large or too small for your bathroom.  The third thing is function.  You should know what pieces you need and will use.  It is your space so it should work the way you need it to and allow you to do what you have to or want to do.  There are so many options in every fixture that goes into a bathroom but you don't always need them all.  The last thing to consider before entering a store is style.  Although you may alter your decision slightly when you start sourcing fixtures you should have an idea of whether you will be going with a traditional, modern, or transitional style.  This will help narrow down options so you are not looking at unlimited selections.  


Whether you are working on your own or working with a designer there are many large retailers of bathroom fixtures which can help you to make your selections.  I would recommend choosing a retailer that has a large variety of brands to choose from.  This will give you style and price variations.  

Select a retailer that showcases their fixtures in an atmosphere or setting that allows you to imagine it in your home.  For example, fixtures on a tiled wall or floor.  Bathtubs or vanities with coordinating faucets and mirrors.

A bathroom is a place where one may go to relax and enjoy a warm bubble bath with a good book and a glass of wine.  If a floating tub is displayed in a beautiful surrounding it may help you to imagine it in your home.  Picture yourself surrounded it fixtures and items that help you feel relaxed and comfortable.  Retailers that exclusively sell bathroom fixtures will also be able to provide you with all the necessary accessories you will need to help you complete the look you are working to achieve.


Once you have selected all your components your mind will be more at ease knowing that it will all be put together and delivered by one source.  The photos in this blog were all taken during a recent visit to Gingers in Toronto.  They are one of my favourite retailers for bathroom fixtures and accessories but there are many others you can visit.  

Hopefully I have given you some useful information that will help your future bathroom renovation be a little less stressful and  little easier to get through so when it is all done you can relax and enjoy that glass of wine.

Beautiful Storage

About a year and a half ago my husband and I decided that we needed to renovate our en-suite bathroom.  Well as anyone who knows me knows, I never just renovate one room.  This renovation was going to be anything but a simple bathroom makeover.  

After weeks of brainstorming, designing, planning and thinking I came up with a design that involved adding rooms, moving door ways and repositioning my closet.  The renovation had grown to include my master bedroom and all the floors on the second level of the house.  Although it took some convincing on my husband's part, when he realized the what the outcome would gain us he knew it would be a good decision.

One expense of the renovation that we had not budgeted for was the new master closet interiors.  Although we had moved the closet to another area of the bedroom and it had become much larger, we had initially decided that we could re-use the existing shelving and storage cabinetry and add on additional pieces to fill the new space.  But when we realized that the existing shelving would not fit precisely and we would eventually be changing it we thought it would be best to do it at this time since we were already in "reno mode."  So we decided to have a custom closet interior done for our master bedroom.  It was one of the best decisions I'd ever made.

I think everyone should feel the same way Carrie Bradshaw felt every time she walked into her closet.  Even though it is just a room to store my clothing, shoes, accessories and jewellery, it feels so good to know that everything is in it's own place and organized so that at any moment, I can go into my closet and find whatever I want.  I take great pride in organizing my closet now, because it looks good!!  Having the custom closet manufacturer put in cabinetry that is built in from ceiling to floor, wall to wall, made it all look amazing.  I was able to customize the closet to include all the components I would need to fit my things.  So no more squished dresses, no more bunched up tops.  Everything is neatly organized and easy to get to.  This is what makes it all so great.  

There are so many different ways to make your closet more usable and practical.  You can add many components such as drawers, double hanging systems, jewellery holders, shoe storage, belt holders, open shelving and much more.  If you have the space you can add an island with additional storage or an ottoman.  

 If your budget will allow it I always recommend hiring a professional closet organizer to help design the space.  They are trained to help you  know exactly what type of storage you will need. Professional closet organizers are also equipped to give you those extra design options that can make your closet cabinetry look as beautiful as you'd like. You can add doors to your shelving with mirrors on the exterior.  You can add lighting, crown moulding,  custom colours, and so many other details.   Although it was not something I had initially budgeted for in my renovation it is a decision I am very happy to have made. My closet is now a room that makes me smile.  It is an investment I will definitely get a return on.

But even if you do not have the budget to use a professional organizer there are many do-it-yourself options offered that help you re-design your existing space to better suit your needs and maximize your storage potential.  Although you may not have as many options you will be able to divide your closet into segments that work for you.

Whether you have the budget that Mr. Big did when he gave Carrie her dream closet or you have a small amount to spend, you can redesign your closet so that you can be better organized and feel happy every time you open your closet door.

Not just a simple bathroom makeover.

Not just a simple bathroom makeover.

I think everyone should feel the same way Carrie Bradshaw felt every time she walked into her closet.

I think everyone should feel the same way Carrie Bradshaw felt every time she walked into her closet.


Artwork Is Like Jewellery For Your Home

Moving into your new home is always a great feeling.  But until you start to personalize it and add your own touches it just isn't complete.  We want it to be inviting, warm, and beautiful.

There are so many elements to creating a comfortable home but the one that adds that final touch is the accent décor.  It is like the jewellery that you put on after you've found that perfect dress.  It pulls everything together to complete the look.  It can add that splash of colour or just a subtle hint of texture.  This is the stage of a project that I like to call the final styling.  

In this stage we add items such as area rugs, art work, lighting, toss cushions, accessories, and many more items.  We can fill areas that are a little sparse and we can neutralize areas that need calming. 

Artwork is one of the most important components in styling a home.  Artwork is very personal to the home owner.  There are so many different styles and forms of art and countless options in subjects.  A home can interpret so much about it's owners through the artwork that is positioned throughout.  Art can also allow you to remember places and times where moments were shared or pleasant surroundings were discovered.

With art we can add colour to a décor pallet that is neutral and monotone or we can accentuate and draw out a colour that we would like to see more of.  We can also add texture when needed by adding art that is sculpted or moulded.  We can also fill an open area or niche with statues, vases, creative pieces developed by local artists. 

Artwork in the form of paintings or prints can be grouped together so one can enjoy many pieces in one area or they can be positioned on their own and highlighted to draw more attention.  Once furniture is in place I make recommendations on positioning existing art that the home owner would like to display or suggest options to fill areas that are lacking interest or attention.

When it comes to selecting artwork for your home please keep in mind that it does not all have to be original art.  If your budget does not allow for original pieces prints can often work to create a similar overall effect and add the touches needed to complete a room.  

Often times we can find beautiful original art on our travels which represent the culture in small parts of the world.  These pieces tend to give us a lot of joy because they remind us of the history behind them and our travels to exotic or remote places.  

Whether your artwork is large and bold or small and simple it is personal to you and should reflect your interests and likes.  I will always work with the home owner's artwork that is special to them because it can reflect so much about the owner and add so much to the home.  It's just a matter of finding the right location in the home.

Custom VS Ready-Made

When I am designing a space for a client and it comes time to make furniture selections one of the biggest decisions is where the individual pieces will be sourced from.  Furniture can be purchased through various retail outlets or on line sources.  It can also be made to order from many local custom furniture builders.  Not all my pieces will come from one source. I will use a mix of sources to create the overall design and to meet the client's budget.  

Buying furniture from retail locations allows you to, in most cases, see the finished product up close.  You can visualize the furniture piece and know exactly how it will sit and feel.  They do often provide you with a few options for fabrics, colour, stain and size.  The price point is sometimes substantially lower than custom.  Many clients may opt for the retail option when the budget does not allow for custom.  The lead time tends to vary from store to store but items that need to be ordered tend to fall into the 8 - 12 week time line.

Ordering custom furniture allows you many more options which may allow you more flexibility with layouts and configurations.  When using a custom workroom I consider function to help me determine the type of piece.  I consider the area that the pieces will go into when deciding on size and style.  With custom furniture I can alter almost all elements of a piece or I can develop a new design and have it made from scratch.  If we consider the elements of a typical sofa we can look at just how many options we may have to consider: length, depth, height,  fabric, colour, foot style, seat cushions, seat fill, arm style, stitch style, additional decorative design details, etc.  Having the ability to customize all these options will allow the client to have a piece that is unique from any other and also totally suited for their home.  

I like the fact that the custom pieces I order are locally made. This allows me to get prompt customer service if needed.  I can also visit the workrooms to ensure that specified details are being added correctly and answer questions the furniture maker may have. It also allows the client to see how the furniture is made if needed.  

When ordering custom furniture it does not always mean the cost is going to be very expensive.  In most cases it is slightly higher but there are many great custom options at reasonable prices for high quality furniture.  Custom pieces tend to be items that you will keep for many years and allow you the option of refinishing or re-upholstering at a later time in life so you can re-purpose the furniture you love.

Weather I decide to use a custom workroom or a retail outlet I always consider the space, the layout, the function, the budget, and my client's lifestyle needs.  Ultimately I want my client's home to feel comfortable and liveable and having the options allows me to achieve this.

Ready-made pieces allow you to see the finished product before committing to a purchase.

Ready-made pieces allow you to see the finished product before committing to a purchase.

Custom pieces will give you and endless selection of colours and patterns.

Custom pieces will give you and endless selection of colours and patterns.

Colours, fabrics, finishes - all options to make your furniture unique.

Colours, fabrics, finishes - all options to make your furniture unique.

Custom workrooms will give you many options that you can apply to any pieces.  You can see them all in one place.

Custom workrooms will give you many options that you can apply to any pieces.  You can see them all in one place.

Creating a Fabric Colour Palette

When starting with a blank space how do we decide on colour?  There are so many great fabrics and patterns available to us now that sometimes I let the fabrics decide for me.  Naturally, I always consider my clients' wishes for colours to stay away from and colours they'd love to see but there can be so many shades and tones that it may not be enough to narrow down the selections.

I like to start with one base colour, example, blue.  From here I start pulling fabric books from various suppliers showing a variety of patterned fabrics with blue tones.  From these I pull out all the ones I like. You will need a nice large surface to spread out on.  Then I start to narrow down the selections and weed out the less favourite.  This could take some time.  Once I have them laid out I start to  build the palette.  This means pulling colours out of the fabrics that I can build upon.  It also means finding complimentary colours.  They could be strong or subtle depending on how bright I want your palette to be.  

A work in progress.

A work in progress.

Once I've got your fabrics selected I lay them out and see how nicely they come together.  I can then make decisions on where they will be used.  Although I tend to know what texture of fabric I intend to use for certain applications before I start this process, this allows me to explore other options and also come up with a colour scheme that can be implemented throughout a space and built upon when needed.  I also have additional fabrics should the need arise for other pieces.  These fabrics will drive many other decisions.  They will help with paint selections, wallpaper selections, and furniture selections.

It all comes together

It all comes together

Now that I've got my fabric selections together  I can get a feel for how the room or space will play out and take shape. Remember to always consider  different textures, colours, and patterns.  There are so many beautiful fabrics to choose from and many different suppliers.  Some of the fabrics featured in the pictures above are from Avant Garde, Kravet, JF Fabrics and Maxwell.  If you're not sure where to start with your own space drop in on any of the supplier showrooms.  You will be amazed at the looks you can create.


The Whole Package

I recently returned from Las Vegas, Nevada after a week vacation with my husband. We visit Las Vegas at least once a year.  It is one of my favourite vacation destinations.  Warm dry weather, great restaurants, wonderful shows, and non stop energy.  We have been so many times that it has become somewhat routine.  We always try new restaurants, visit all the hotels, go to our favourite hang outs and spend some time making new friends around the roulette table.  When we return we usually comment about the new restaurants or shows we've seen but this year there is one restaurant in particular that I can't stop talking about.  Giada De Laurentiis, Food Network Chef, has opened her first restaurant right on the Strip in Las Vegas.  We visited for dinner on our first night in town and were very pleasantly surprised at how much we enjoyed everything about our meal.  The food was very well prepared and bursting with flavour.  The server recommended an excellent wine pairing which is now one I am sourcing.  But beyond the food, one of the elements that made our experience so enjoyable was the décor and design of the restaurant, inside and out.  

On the outside it shows as a stunning fresh new restaurant with large black retractable windows facing the centre of the Strip.  On the inside neutral tones mix subtly with hits of bright warm colours and patterns.  A variety of textures work together to create a welcoming atmosphere.  As you walk through the restaurant you notice that the seating varies in each section.  Wooden chairs with metal frames and square tables next to round tables with fabric tuxedo chairs.  Chairs with patterned purple fabric on a patterned rug followed by black and white chairs on a solid rug.  The colours and textures change throughout but it is barely noticeable unless you stop to take note. Some tables are covered with clothes while most remain exposed.  Some are wood top and others are marble.  The flooring is also respected with the same design thought as it changes from solid wood, to tile, to inlay carpet.  But as you can see in the photos the combination of different textures, colours and materials was very well thought out and works nicely to create a comfortable, elegant restaurant with details that make your dining experience more interesting and flavourful.

I am very impressed by the restaurant and plan to visit it on my next visit to Sin City.  Not only for the flavourful selection of Italian cuisine but also for the lovely ambiance created by the exquisite décor.  

Although this exact décor may not work in our homes the idea of introducing a variety of textures and colour can definitely be implemented to create our own comfortable inviting spaces. Don't be afraid to bring in your favourite colours in small amounts throughout your home.  You may be surprised at how well it all comes together.

Have Some Fun

There are a lot of furniture pieces out there that I would probably not initially imagine in any of my designs but when I see them I think "Wow, that could be kind of fun". Adding a chair or table that are slightly whimsical to a space might make you feel happy when you enter a room.  I noticed this chair when I visited a Toronto showroom and, at first, I just walked right by it.  But then I went back to have a second look and thought, "this is something I should take a picture of".  Now I am writing about it because I really enjoy looking at this picture.  It sometimes inspires me when I am designing to think out of the box and try something different.  We may not all have a room that would accommodate a bird cage style swinging chair with fur cushion but imagine how adding one small toss cushion or throw that is a little brighter or has a bigger pattern might make a room feel slightly more alive.  

There is also a larger variety of textures available to us now that could allow you to add more detail in a subtle way. These Hyde covered stools show how you could add fun and whimsy but still have neutral colours in soft tones and a stylish frames that would compliment many décor styles. And they are very functional too.

Don't be afraid to add a little fun to your décor.  I try to change the colours in my accent pieces each season.  It makes me feel refreshed and inspired and allows my home to feel new and revived.  And with so many great retail sources available now you can do so on any budget.  I think I am feeling like adding yellow as my summer colour.  I will keep you posted on the outcome.




Spring Is Finally Here!!!

So what does this mean for me?  It means bright colours, fresh flowers, longer days and a lot more energy.  I love the beginning of this season because it is like a re-awakening of the senses.  Everything looks brighter and smells fresher.  I have already changed out my winter tones for my bright greens and yellows in toss cushions, throws and accessories.  I have vases of fresh tulips in bright colours all around my house.  I've even changed out my wardrobe.  Bright coloured spring jackets and floral scarves.  

But this Spring also means something else for me.  It means a bright new future, starting my new company.  This is my first blog as the principal owner of my new decorating company and I am very excited.  After 11 years of working with a large design firm I am now doing it on my own.  I am looking forward to meeting new clients and refreshing spaces.  Giving homes some bright touches and making them more comfortable and suitable for the clients' needs.  I will be implementing all the same principles and creativity as I did in the past but I somehow feel revitalized now.   Starting my own company has revived my passion for design.  I've always enjoyed working with my clients and I know it will only get better.

I am looking forward to the start of this new season and the start of my new business.  It is an exciting time of the year for me and I can't wait for all the bright colours.